Posts tagged business expenses
What Does Your Budget Say?

Creating and managing a budget might be one of my most favorite business activities as an owner. The boxes and lines, control and excitement, strategy and repeated actions allows my mind to “zen out”. It must be an entrepreneurs “meditation”. But it doesn’t end after building it. Taking this same system and implementing it via the decisions I make, the strategies I implement, the people I hire and fire completes the perfection this system has become.

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Strategic Benefits Of A Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage is another way that you can get some money from your own home, condo, manufactured building to create a consistent cash flow that can give you the back up you need, for the assurance you deserve. If you find that you fall under the requirements necessary to obtain one, it might be your next system solution for the strained cash flow positions you find yourself in from time to time.

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5 Common Financial Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Business finances can be scary. Whether you are running formal financial reports like income statements, budgets, and balance sheets or doing nothing at all; if you don’t know what you are doing, you are probably making common financial mistakes that are hurting you.

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Three Tools to Go The Distance

Competitions date back to the beginning of time. Whether it was for glory, land, a wife or politics we have used competition as a way to judge the best against the rest. Lets be honest, we as humans want to know the best and for those that are inspired by it, what to strive for.

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The Truth About Santa Claus

One thing is clear and that is Santa is a Christmas leader. He takes on the greatest roles and actions to ensure holiday cheer is bestowed on us all. With strategy and a whole lot of marketing, he ensures Christmas is here, active and bringing happiness to all. Wow, that is a big responsibility. Wonder how he does that. Does he hire managers for that type of work? Supervisors? How does he really pay those elves? Do the reindeer do anything else? So, at a time many of you are questioning your own decisions and actions, let’s be clear about the big guy and what he does to ensure his company runs as efficiently as possible.

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Has It Ever Been Clean?

The tool that was supposed to revolutionize work, improve productivity and increase capacity has actually spun us out so badly that some of you are drowning in your own creation. Is it possible to get back to the basics, using it as it was intended or is our only salvation to melt down and find our support group?

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“It is MY fault?”

However, in the end he screwed  it up last week and I was resorted to picking through an inedible salad and grumbling at how customer service used to be. Of course I call and speak to the manager, only to be told the counter guy is new and to give him a chance and next weeks salad is on them. I have come in once a week for four years, have ordered the same thing and I should “give him a break”? This just leaves me feeling like it was my fault.

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Why I Hate Top 10 Lists

The dreaded top 10 list. They are everywhere I look. I think what I hate most about them is how victimized I feel after I click the link. The promises of instant gratification are alluring, yet so gutless. It would all be too easy if something could be fixed, identified or resolved in 10 quick steps.

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Get Over the Whelm by Taking the Helm

When my clients talk about overwhelm, it often sounds like they relate to it as if whelm were the sleeper wave.  Arriving and engulfing them unexpectedly, it overpowers them by sheer strength. Unable to do anything about it, they are, to varying degrees, incapacitated….victims to their experience of the Overwhelm.

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Choose Your Hat, Play Your Game

It is important to realize that each of those characters or aspects, has a particular point of view. In other words, a way of looking at and seeing things, as well as a basic approach to thinking about and dealing with issues. It’s not that any of them are necessarily right or wrong, however what occurs as extremely relevant from one point of view is not the same for the others. Their perceptions are different. And perception shapes reality.

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The Story Behind The Numbers

When it comes down to it, you are in control of your own story behind the numbers. Even with the best of systems, people are going to react as they will and do what they want. Still, you hold the power of understanding how to read your esoteric idea, via your numbers to understand the past, learn the present and guide the future.

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The Silent Killer: Boredom at Work

As a leader you control the heartbeat, health and vitality of your business; yet why don’t you do anything when you see and feel it not running in optimal health? I know, I know…time, money and energy all contribute to the overwhelm you feel when you do recognize a change needs to happen. Just like your body, your business won’t last forever. And just like your body, we forget how important it is to us before it is too late. Are you bored?

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What Are You Really Paying?

When is the last time you worked on your business and not just in it? Worked on your expenses, not just begrudgingly paid them? We know, this is almost the oldest of oldest clichés; work on it, not in it. But, it has foundation, roots, grounding. It has a salt of the earth kinda’ feel. The simplest of principles, usually are the most long lasting and sustaining. We can push you all day long with this concept, but understanding what you need to do vs. knowing how to do it are two totally different things.

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