Do You Work Hard Enough?

Do You Work Hard Enough?

Today is one of those days that makes you want to slumber; read books, watch movies, play board games and nap. The only real task at hand is to ensure the fireplace stays lit and there is enough gas on hand to feed the generator. The power will go out. In my neck of the woods, it always does. It is the kind of day that does….not….invite…

I love what I do. If you have ever worked with me, you know that. I enjoy all aspects of my business and welcome each moment that I have with it. Yet, days like today make work seem, even for me, like this nagging voice that won’t go away.

What do I do? Do I succumb to the shiny object in front of me? A day of being unplugged? To forgo the accountability and tasks, meetings and outreach that was all scheduled, so strategically might I add, on this day? It would be disastrous to my business goals. I would be behind, by January 5th.

If you know my work life balance, you know that it would be an unnecessary excuse to be lazy. I give myself plenty of “me” time. I actually do spend a balanced amount of time on work and life. I have achieved that “work-life balance” that years ago I could only dream of. What do I do?

Now, if you really know me, you know I go to the office.

The real question is, how many of you would have actually succumbed? Who out their would have called in sick, shut off your phone and slumbered the day away watching re-runs and ordering take-out? Statistics state that 50% percent of leaders can’t hold themselves accountable, follow a plan and execute. Half of you reading this article would have thrown it all away, ignored their dreams and fallen behind.

Working hard takes effort. It isn’t something that is going to manifest because you wish for it, hope and dream; it takes tools and commitment. It takes effort and energy. It even takes a bit of time.

Schedule: If you are actually going to work, you need to know what you are doing and when to do it. This takes a schedule, calendar and time. Scheduling meetings, blocking out time for tasks and identifying when you can do what should be generated from your yearly goals and annual plan. This will be the primary decision maker necessary to dictate what you need to do. Ironically, this is where the first stage of self management occurs. You don’t create your schedule, your business does. What are you supposed to be doing? When is it a priority? Are you using all your hours?

Self Management: Creating a schedule will allow you to work a schedule and working a schedule doesn’t mean just doing your schedule. Did you catch that? Working a schedule means responding to the unexpected, adjusting and altering based on the surprises and recognizing when you can reschedule something that serves you in getting more out of your time. Now is not the time to go on auto-pilot. Now is the time to wake up each morning an ask, “Is this the best way I can accomplish my accountability today?”

Quantify: Setting a schedule, means that you quantify the strategy. Did you utilize your time the best way possible? Did you schedule meetings and work in a way that allows you to show up powerful? What have you learned that you would do differently to make things better and accomplished quicker? Are you working enough?

Through these behaviors you might discover you aren’t working enough.  Achieving greatness takes greatness. It might mean working more for a period of time. You will know it is worth it, when you are inspired by the end result. While I can’t tell you how much time you should be working, most businesses take full time schedules and more from their leaders. How many hours do you work?

I have big goals this year. Achieving them is the only option. I know how I am going to do it, do you?
